Grade 5/6 Ignited Literacy MAY


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Ever wondered how to get your students to love reading and writing? Love Genius Hour or need a differentiated approach that gives students more voice and choice in what they read and write? Keep students engaged in writing all year long while meeting curriculum standards.

⭐ Ignited Literacy is your answer ⭐

Use research-based strategies for teaching writing including

→ gradual release of responsibility

→ student led inquiry

→ teaching spelling and grammar in context

→ using mentor texts

→ teacher conferences which support the cycle of assessment

Get started with this implementation guide and in 15 days your class will be ready to love reading and writing in your classroom.

These resources will:

  • ✐ Give you a detailed schedule of what to do in your literacy block, including reading and writing
  • ✐ Provides you with a read aloud guide that includes discussion and questioning prompts and teacher think aloud suggestions.
  • ✐ Includes original shared reading texts each week.
  • ✐ Teach spelling, grammar, and conventions in context with an ‘essential skills’ checklist
  • ✐ How to use mentor texts as models to support good writing
  • ✐ Writing mini-lesson guide that highlights effective instructional strategies
  • ✐ Student writing organizers for narrative, non-fiction report, persuasive report, and poem.
  • ✐ Guide to making flexible writing groups that foster peer support and feedback
  • ✐ Establish independent work skills in your students to prepare them for independent reader’s and writer’s workshop centers.
  • ✐Engage your students in reading and writing

Each weeks lessons will include:

1) Detailed lesson plans for the teacher

2) Lesson support pages for reading and writing mini lessons for student use

3) ‘Read Aloud Guide’ with suggested think alouds

4) Shared reading text – paired with read aloud

5) Guided reading text – paired with read aloud

6) Guided reading lesson plan and tracking page

7) Student center pages

  • ‘Word Work Choice Board’
  • ‘Reading response questions and choice board’
  • ‘Writing Idea Menu’
  • ‘Student Feedback/Conference Reporting Page’

8) Assessment Tracking Pages

May Activities

The focus this month is on a culminating novel project and nonfiction summaries.

Book Project: Students will read choose and read a novel and complete a series of activities about their book. The summative project will have students learning about the author, evaluating the text, writing a persuasive letter, recording their thinking about reading, setting realistic goals as readers and sharing about their book by creating media texts. A wide range of language expectations are covered in this culminating reading activity.

Students will learn about grammar concepts such as proper comma usage within this unit.

In this month there are a variety of activities to engage students in learning. Included this month are:

Books this month:

Week #1 – I am Human by Susan Verde

Week #2 – I am Enough by Grace Byers

Week #3 – The Cool Bean by Jory John

Week #4 – Hey Little Ant by Phillip Hoose

Weekly Differentiated Readings

In each package, there are 4 different texts that can be used for shared, guided or independent reading. Each text is provided at three different reading levels from grade 3-6. With this resource, you can assign the same story for many different students who are all reading at different levels.

Original Differentiated Reading Texts Included in May:

  1. The Human Side of Biodiversity
  2. Amusement Park Posts
  3. Striving for Social Skills
  4. Staying in Touch

✍ With ‘Ignited Literacy’ your students will finally cheer when it is language arts instead of groan. And you as the teacher will have a solid plan to teach language, and fit it all in. ✍

Grade 5/6 Ignited Literacy MAY
