
Group Selection Cards for Any Subject and Any Grade


Transform your classroom’s group-forming process with Group Selection Cards! Designed for effortless group-making, these cards utilize unique combinations of shapes and colours, making group formation quick and engaging. Perfect for varying class sizes, they come in three convenient formats. Say goodbye to tedious prep and hello to engaging, efficient group work!


Discover an Innovative Way to Group Your Students with these Group Selection Cards!


Ever felt overwhelmed by the chaos of randomly grouping students? Spending precious time on low-level tasks, attempting to engage every student, only to see them disinterested or unequal in group sizes? Too much prep time with not enough results?


Enter our Group Selection Cards! The hassle-free solution for teachers who believe that every second counts in the classroom. Say goodbye to the old methods and hello to an effortless, engaging way to form groups.



  • Save Time: With pre-made cards, skip the tedious process of thinking about group configurations.
  • Simplify Planning: Use shapes and colours for easy group formation.
  • Engage Every Student: Get every student involved and eager to find their group partners.
  • High-Quality Learning: Ensure every student gets equal opportunities in group discussions and activities.



  • Unique combinations of shapes and colours for easy differentiation.
  • Three file formats to fit your class size: full page, 4 cards per page, 6 cards per page.
  • Comprehensive instructions are included for seamless integration into your teaching process.


How It Can Be Used:

  1. Differentiated Learning Activities: Split students based on their learning levels using the cards.
  2. Random Pairing for Discussions: Hand out cards for students to find their discussion partners.
  3. Team Games or Competitions: Easily form teams for classroom games or competitive activities.


But you might be thinking, “What if my classroom size varies?” Not to worry! These cards are adaptable for any class size. Just omit the cards above your student number, and they’ll still work wonders—even if the groups aren’t perfectly equal.


In summary, our Group Selection Cards are the perfect tool for teachers who value efficient, engaging, and effective group-making processes. Say goodbye to the old, tedious ways of making groups for group work. With these group selection cards, you’re not only simplifying your task but elevating the entire classroom experience. Don’t miss out on revolutionizing your group activities!


PS: If you are interested in using groups more, then you should check out this blog post about ditching student desks! You may also like this video about student grouping.


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group selection cards

Group Selection Cards for Any Subject and Any Grade
