ONTARIO SCIENCE: Gr 5 – Matter – Digital Workbook #DistanceLearning



This digital workbook is an adapted workbook to use with students during #distancelearning to teach Grade 5 Matter. Students will explore the concepts of identifying objects as solid, liquid or gas. They will explore changing states of matter, chemical and physical changes, reversible and non-reversible changes, how various everyday products are transformed through physical and chemical changes.

This digital tool is in a Google Drive format for digital downloads.

This Digital Workbook Includes

  • Sorting and Matching Activities
  • Question and answer activities
  • Easy At-Home Experiments
  • Quick Check Assessments
  • Online Research Assignments
  • Original Readings
  • Detailed Instructions for students

This Digital Workbooks Covers Concepts

States of Matter

  • Sort objects into categories of solid, liquid or gas
  • Identify how water changes state
  • How heat impacts matter as it changes states
  • Testing how different objects slow down or speed up water changing shapes.

Physical and Chemical Changes

  • Identify the difference between physical and chemical changes
  • Classify objects based on if the change is reversible or non-reversible
  • Identify the features of chemical and physical changes
  • Investigate how everyday objects are transformed during the manufacturing process through physical and chemical changes.


  • students will explore recycling to see how everyday objects are recycled. They will look at recycling from various perspectives to determine the most effective way to be good environmental stewards to reduce, reuse, and recycle.


Frequently Asked Questions

1) Do I need google slides to use this file?

Yes, this is a google slides file, and to be interactive, you will need to use this on google slides. However, I have carefully designed these slides to be easily printed. Printability helps if it is required or preferred by students and their families. This makes them easily adaptable to a variety of learning environments.

2) I already own your inquiry units. Do I need to purchase this?

This is a product that is a wholly adapted file. While covering the same curriculum expectations, the format of the activities has been completely altered to meet the needs of a 100% digital environment. My inquiry units are designed for an in-class experience while these are not. Raising the price of my original units to include these new additions was not something I was comfortable doing. I also realized that under normal circumstances, not every teacher would want to pay a premium for the digital file included in the original inquiry unit.

3) Are there lesson plans?

No, there are no lesson plans included in this product. There are detailed instructions overlayed on each slide to help both the teacher and the student. This way, students know what to do on each page. These instruction boxes and 100% editable and can be changed to suit each teacher’s needs.

4) Is this for French Immersion?

No, this is not for French immersion and is unable to be edited to meet the needs of a French program. Unfortunately, Madly Learning Inc. does not provide French language resources.

5) Will this work for my special education students

Yes, all significant readings within this document are linked as PDF documents that will allow for screen reader software to be used. There are also a wide variety of activities such as readings, videos, and hands-on tasks that there are multiple opportunities for students to succeed at a variety of levels.


Note About TPT Digital Tools:

When you purchase and download this product you will be asked to allow TPT some permissions to access your own Google Drive account so they can save this file directly into your drive. While Google states this gives broad permissions please note TPT does not have the ability to access any of your files. It is recommended that since you own this file you save it into a Google Drive account that you own and not one owned by your school board or district.


ONTARIO SCIENCE: Gr 5 – Matter – Digital Workbook #DistanceLearning
