Every student needs goals to work towards and this is very important in Literacy instruction. I have used a variety of different goal boards for my Literacy Time and loved them. I saw even my most struggling students embrace these goals and work towards them. I watched each student’s awareness of their strengths and weaknesses as a reader grow. Now, this didn’t happen by accident or the nature of my students just being goal-oriented kids. These goals were a focus for the students. It shaped what they did in literacy every day. It was on our walls, it was what they wrote about each week in their journals, and it was what guided my teaching. We had both class goals and personal goals. Inspired by my reading of the daily CAFE® and the Daily 5® from The Sisters I immediately implemented them into my classroom. I worked with them last year and partway through the year added to my CAFE board and changed it into a Craft board based on LadyBug’s Teacher Files post here. I loved them both. However this summer I was thinking about my practice and felt that I had some needs in this area
- I needed something more aligned with the curriculum I was using
- I needed something that could also be portable for the kids and visual for all
- I needed goals for Writing as well as reading
- I needed to integrate my learning goals and success criteria.
- I needed more of a direct link to my Bump It Up Wall and my TLCP (teaching and Learning Critical Pathways)
So with all this in mind, I put these together and came up with this…”Shooting for the STARS”

This is a board that integrates both reading and writing goals onto one board. In reality, I didn’t have space in my room for two separate boards so I put them together.

I am teaching a 4/5 this fall and these are based on what I will be using for the upcoming year. That being said these would also work for grades 3-6, especially for the learning goals. The success criteria may change slightly for grades three and six however as a teacher the complexity in which we expect and the forms in which the students are writing are outlined in the curriculum.
If these are popular and the demand I will make them for other grade levels however at this point I have created these for my use and thought that many of you would also find these helpful. If you would like them for other grades let me know and I can work on these for you. Leave a comment here or on my TPT store.
Here is the goal menu for you to check out for free along with the headers.