Pink Shirt Day – Stand Up to Bullying



Here is a free resource to use for Pink Shirt Day – Stand Up to Bullying

In 2007, in a high school in Nova Scotia, a grade 9 boy was being bullied by his classmates for wearing a pink shirt. Two other students by the names of David Shepherd and Travis Price saw this happening. They knew that it wasn’t right and wanted to help.

So they bought 50 pink tank tops at a local store. The next day at school they distributed these shirts to their classmates. This act of kindness showed the boy who was bullied that he had support from others. It was also enough to stop the bullying from happening again at the school by wearing pink.


  • Two Posters
  • Shared Reading excerpt
  • Guided Reading Lesson Plan
  • Student Reading Text (Level: Gr2.6)
  • Student Reading Text (Level: Gr 5.0)
  • Making Connections Organizer
  • Writing Choice Menu – Anti-Bullying Theme

This resource is a excerpt from the Ignited Literacy Program that you can find listed in my TPT store.

Pink Shirt Day – Stand Up to Bullying
