Madly Learning

Why Every Teacher Needs a Long-Range Plan

As a teacher, it is important to always be planning ahead. This may seem like an impossible task, but with a little bit of organization and forethought, it can be done.

I love creating long-range plans.

By creating long-range plans, you will keep yourself on track. It’s important to be able to map out your content so that you can fit everything in. You will also be able to focus your daily and weekly planning on specific concepts. This way you don’t waste time trying to figure out what you should teach next. Having a plan also keeps you focused and helps prevent burnout. It also allows for easier communication with parents and administrators about what is happening in the classroom and when. Finally, having a plan makes life easier! By taking the time to create long-range plans, you will save yourself time and energy in the long run.

Creating long-range plans may seem like a daunting task, but it is important for teachers to do. By taking the time to create long-range plans, teachers can save themselves time and energy in the long run. What are some of your tips for creating long-range plans? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

Long range plans for every teacher

So where should you start?

One way to stay on top of the curriculum is to pick units or themes to cover each month. This will give you a big-picture view of what needs to be accomplished in a school year. Write each unit or theme on its own card or sticky note, then organize the cards into each month. This will help you to see where everything fits and make adjustments as needed. You can also add additional cards for holidays, special events, or field trips. By planning out your year in advance, you’ll be able to better organize your time and resources. This will help to ensure a successful academic year for your students.

There are a few things to consider when deciding on what to cover each month. First, you’ll want to organize your units or themes so that they make sense chronologically or thematically. For example, if you’re teaching a unit on the government, you’ll want to make sure it falls within an election time Or if your lesson is dependent on weather, such as a unit on plants and soils, you will want to plan that for fall or spring.

You’ll also want to consider how long each unit or theme will take to cover and report expectations. For instance, say you need to cover 2 science and 1 social studies unit. It is best that the social studies unit is given twice the amount of time compared to science. This is often because SS has more content to cover than science.  Finally, you’ll want to make sure you combine similar learning tasks across curriculum areas. It’s easier when opportunities for cross-curricular learning make sense. This will ensure that your students are engaged and that they’re learning across subjects and strands.

Build-in some breathing room:

One of the most important things for teachers to do is to leave some time in their plans for students to explore and ask questions. Things will always come up that you didn’t plan for! Don’t stress out if your plans need to change. For example, you might organize your month by units or themes. But a particular student might have a question that doesn’t fit neatly into either category. Or, a teacher might plan to cover a certain amount of material in a class, but find that the students are more engaged when the lesson is shorter. The key is to be flexible and go with the flow!

Things change all the time so it’s important your plans can change with them.

Collaborate with teaching partners:

When it comes to teaching, collaboration is key. By working with your teaching partners, you can ensure that everyone is on the same page. It is helpful when all students are receiving the same information. This can be especially important when coordinating between classrooms or sharing plans with parents and administrators. By communicating effectively and sharing your plans, you can make sure that everyone is on the same page. This ensures consistency between classrooms.

Long-range planning is a great way for teachers to stay organized. It also keeps them focused on what they need to accomplish throughout the year. By taking the time to plan out their units and themes, teachers can ensure that they are covering all of the necessary content. It also helps to keep students are engaged in learning.

What are your thoughts on long range planning? Do you think it’s important for teachers to plan ahead? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

Need help with your long-range plans. Grab mine here.

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