Are you looking for fun and engaging ways to share your love for books? Below are some creative project ideas to help you dive deeper into your favourite novels and present them in unique ways. Each project requires you to include a cover redesign, a summary, information about the book, a plot overview, details about the main character, an outline of key events, and your personal review. Here’s how you can get started:

Book in a Box

Description: Take a shoe box and decorate it with elements from the book.

Success Criteria:

Include a creative cover design on the outside of the box
Place a brief summary of the book’s plot inside the box
Provide key information such as the title, author, genre, and publication date
Include a detailed overview of the book’s plot
Present details about the main character on an index card or small paper inside the box
Create a timeline or series of cards that outline the key events of the story
Write a personal review of the book and place it inside the box

Final Project: A decorated shoe box containing visually appealing elements and organized materials, such as index cards, small booklets, or creative representations of the book’s content.

Book Trailer

Description: Using video editing software such as iMovie, create a book trailer for your novel.

Success Criteria:

Include a redesigned cover image in the trailer
Provide a brief summary of the book’s plot through voiceover or text in the video
Display key information about the book at the beginning or end of the trailer
Outline the main plot points through visuals and text in the trailer
Introduce the main character with images or short clips
Highlight key events in the story with dramatic visuals and transitions
Conclude the trailer with a short personal review or recommendation

Final Project: A polished, 2-3 minute video trailer with engaging visuals, music, and text to entice viewers to read the book.

Game Board

Description: Create a game board and instructions page that highlights the important parts of the story.

Success Criteria:

Feature a redesigned cover on the game board or box
Include a summary of the book on the game board or instructions
Provide key information about the book in the instructions
Integrate the plot into the gameplay, with spaces or cards representing different plot points
Feature the main character prominently in the game pieces or cards
Ensure the game follows the book’s key events as players progress
Include a personal review in the game instructions or on the game board

Final Project: A functional game board with creative design elements, well-crafted game pieces, and clear, engaging instructions that reflect the book’s story.


Description: Create an audio podcast for your peers to listen to that outlines all of the required information into a podcast episode.

Success Criteria:

Mention or describe a redesigned cover during the podcast
Provide a concise summary of the book’s plot
Share key details about the book at the beginning of the episode
Discuss the main plot points in the podcast
Talk about the main character’s traits and role in the story
Narrate the key events of the book in an engaging manner
Give a personal review and recommendation towards the end of the episode

Final Project: A well-edited, 10-15 minute podcast episode that is clear, engaging, and covers all the required elements.

Slide Show and Speech

Description: Create a presentation and slide show that you can deliver to the class to tell them about your novel.

Success Criteria:

Include a slide with a redesigned cover
Provide a slide summarizing the book’s plot
Have a slide with key details about the book
Dedicate several