For Junior Grades

Supporting Teachers in Delivering Great Lessons Starts With Providing High Quality Easy To Implement Lessons For The Whole Year

The secret to boosting math and literacy skills is as simple as equipping teachers with the skills, confidence & right resources 

In today’s diverse and dynamic classrooms, teachers seek solutions that meet curriculum standards while addressing the varied needs of students. Ignited Math and Ignited Literacy are your partners in this mission, offering comprehensive, spiralled programs designed by experienced educators for Grades 3-6. Our programs align with Ontario’s math curriculum and encompass learning outcomes for the English Language Curriculum across Canada, including Ontario and Alberta.

Ignited Math and Ignited Literacy are Designed for Canadian Classrooms

Grade 3

Grade 4

Grade 5

Grade 6

Learn More About our Programs

Ignited Math

With Ignited Math, dive into six spiralled units across Grades 3-6, where students explore key math concepts through themes like “How Things Compare” and “The Space Around Us”. Each unit is crafted for deep understanding, employing a constructivist model and principles of universal design for learning. Features include:

  • Detailed weekly lessons with multiple modes of instruction.
  • Warm-up activities for formative assessment and consolidation.
  • Guided math lessons across four achievement levels.
  • Engaging math centers and inquiry prompt questions for higher-level thinking.

Daily Math Warm Ups

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Three-Part Lesson Plans

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Guided Math Lessons & Math Centers

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Inquiry Math and Reflective Journals

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Ignited Literacy

Ignited Literacy brings ten thematic units that spiral literacy skills, integrating oral language, media, reading, and writing. Each week centers around an upper elementary-level picture book, with activities designed to:

  • Enhance reading skills and comprehension through modelled strategies.
  • Link reading and word knowledge skills to improve student fluency and decoding to build morphological knowledge and vocabulary.
  • Participate in differentiated guided reading lessons.
  • Engage in student-centred writing tasks, mastering narrative, expository, persuasive, and informational texts.

Integrated Reading, Writing, Spelling & Grammar Lessons

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Paired Read-Aloud & Shared Reading Texts

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Small Group Reading Intervention

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Weekly Student-Centered Literacy Tasks

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Designed for Real Classrooms: Differentiation and Accessibility

High Quality Instructional Strategies

Spiralled Curriculum

The spiralled approach revisits key concepts and skills across grades to deepen understanding and retention. This strategy aligns with research by Bruner (1960) which supports the idea of revisiting topics over time to strengthen learning.


(n.d.). High-Impact Instructional Practices in Mathematics | Resource and Supports. Ontario: Curriculum Resource. Retrieved April 5, 2024, from

Fowles , C. (2021). Student Learning Experiences with Spiraling Math Curriculum [Masters, California State University San Marcos].

Constructivist Approach

Following a constructivist model, Ignited Math encourages students to construct their own understanding through exploration and problem-solving, a practice supported by Piaget’s theory of cognitive development.


(n.d.). High-Impact Instructional Practices in Mathematics | Resource and Supports. Ontario: Curriculum Resource. Retrieved April 5, 2024, from

Fowles , C. (2021). Student Learning Experiences with Spiraling Math Curriculum [Masters, California State University San Marcos].

Universal Design

This framework ensures accessibility by offering multiple means of engagement, representation, and expression, as recommended by Meyer, Rose, & Gordon (2014).


(n.d.). High-Impact Instructional Practices in Mathematics | Resource and Supports. Ontario: Curriculum Resource. Retrieved April 5, 2024, from

Fowles , C. (2021). Student Learning Experiences with Spiraling Math Curriculum [Masters, California State University San Marcos].

Differentiated Learning

The spiralled approach revisits key concepts and skills across grades to deepen understanding and retention. This strategy aligns with research by Bruner (1960) which supports the idea of revisiting topics over time to strengthen learning.


(n.d.). High-Impact Instructional Practices in Mathematics | Resource and Supports. Ontario: Curriculum Resource. Retrieved April 5, 2024, from

Fowles , C. (2021). Student Learning Experiences with Spiraling Math Curriculum [Masters, California State University San Marcos].

Formative Assessment

Following a constructivist model, Ignited Math encourages students to construct their own understanding through exploration and problem-solving, a practice supported by Piaget’s theory of cognitive development.


(n.d.). High-Impact Instructional Practices in Mathematics | Resource and Supports. Ontario: Curriculum Resource. Retrieved April 5, 2024, from

Fowles , C. (2021). Student Learning Experiences with Spiraling Math Curriculum [Masters, California State University San Marcos].

Culturally Responsive

This framework ensures accessibility by offering multiple means of engagement, representation, and expression, as recommended by Meyer, Rose, & Gordon (2014).


(n.d.). High-Impact Instructional Practices in Mathematics | Resource and Supports. Ontario: Curriculum Resource. Retrieved April 5, 2024, from

Fowles , C. (2021). Student Learning Experiences with Spiraling Math Curriculum [Masters, California State University San Marcos].

Committed To Your Success

Hi I’m Patti, the creator of Ignited Math and Ignited Literacy

Faced with the challenge of supporting my students’ diverse needs with limited and often ineffective resources from large publishers, and a scarcity of practical tools, I was compelled to seek a better solution.

Drawing upon years of research, perseverance, testing and a relentless commitment to educational excellence, I developed Ignited Literacy in 2017 and subsequently Ignited Math in 2021. Leveraging the valuable feedback from our vibrant community, these resources are continually updated, refined, and enhanced to better meet the evolving needs of educators and students.

Bonus #1: Always Current

We get it! The world of literacy is always changing.  But we are here to stay on top of these changes.  We strive to adapt and change to ensure that our Ignited Literacy program is always researched based on aligns with the the current curriculum (Ontario Based) So, when and if the curriculum changes, we change too.  When the science points to better methodologies, such as the elimination of 3-cueing in reading.  We adapt and update accordingly.  This is why a purchase of Ignited Literacy isn’t just an investment in this year but an investment in years to come.  

Bonus #2: Digital Program Access and App

The reality is that if you are a teacher, you also need to be flexible and be ready for everything.  This is why we make accessing your resources simple an easy.  Our Ignited Literacy program is more than just thousands of pages of files you download on to your computer to forget about, loose and become easily overwhelmed.  We have done the hard work for you and host all our learning materials on an easy to use platform inside a program library. This is available on any online device  (for those days you forget your laptop at home) 

But that is not all.  We also have made all of your program materials available on our digital app.  This app has all your program materials at your finger tips on your phone or tablet.  Want to screen share an anchor chart to your classroom screen…no problem.  Want to quickly review the next day’s lessons at soccer practice..easy! 

Bonus #3: Access to Community Forum

We know that sometimes teachers need a little extra support and guidance…especially if teaching literacy this way is new to you or it is not your favourite subject to teach.  This is why within our program library you have access to our community forum where you can chat with other members to get support from each other on implementing Ignited Literacy. 

But I don't know what grade I will be teaching?

Buy Now...Pick Your Grade Later

We get it, we're teachers too. Job assignments change. So we have designed a fool proof way for you to BUY IGNITED LITERACY NOW then if you need to you can PICK YOUR GRADE LATER once your assignment is confirmed.

Here is how it works...when you say YES to Ignited Literacy you are buying one licence to access Ignited Literacy. After your purchase you will be given the option to CHOOSE YOUR GRADE LEVEL PACKAGE NOW or your can CHOOSE IT LATER.

You Might Be Asking

Are Ignited Math & Literacy Right For My School?

You want ROCKSTAR level teaching without the time it takes to make it all yourself.

You crave a simple system to keep your literacy block better organized.

You want a structured approach that provides engaging activities, utilizes best practices, and builds strong literacy skills for students.

Don’t let another year go by before you create the language arts program you want!


Ignited Literacy is a spiraled approach to teaching language arts in the classroom.  It guides you through the gradual release of responsibility model to structure your language arts in a systematic way. It hits a variety of expectations each week and revisits them throughout the year.  

Because choice for students is a key component to this program their engagement in language arts is unmatched.  In my 13 years of teaching no other program has produced better results and more engaged learners than this format.  

There isn’t a magic formula here, it is just based on effective instructional practices and experience of knowing how kids tick.  

But the key lies in how this program simplifies how to structure your language arts program.  It starts by looking at the themes and big ideas and connects the ideas across learning strands (listening, speaking, reading, writing and media) to deliver this all together in a way that makes sense.  

Let's Answer Your Question

Let’s be honest this program is not going to be perfect for everyone.  

If you are simply looking for work sheets you can hand out to your students and have them sit quietly and work away at them then this is not the program for you.  

But, if you want an engaging, dynamic program that gets your students excited about language arts, engaged in their learning, and enthusiastically going deeper into important topics then you are in the right place.  

Ignited Literacy was designed for teachers in grades 3-6 who want more out of their language arts programming.  They want the ability to move away from disconnected lessons and activities that feel choppy and piecemeal and want a way to connect and integrate ideas across all aspects of the language curriculum.  

It is for teachers that believe students should be involved in constructing their own learning and have a voice and some choice in the activities they choose.  It is meant for teachers that know that good teaching means that differentiating is key, and that we need to meet students where they are by teaching the child not the standards.  

I don’t know about you, but I found units very frustrating in the classroom.  Early in my career I was told to plan a 6-week unit and expect student mastery after that time.  However, it never worked and left both me and my students overwhelmed and frustrated.  Not to mention they retained very little of the information.  

It was out of this frustration that I looked to new strategies that were happening in math and applied it to language arts.  

Spiraling the curriculum in language arts just makes sense.  Gone are the static one and done units and now students can cycle through reading and writing skills over a long period of time and gain more mastery as they try different forms and skills, are given feedback and the ability to revise and improve these skills over time.  

Now in my classroom along with the hundreds of other teachers who have used this program, we get more done. My students make bigger gains over the course of the year too.  They set goals for themselves and blow them out of the water.  They develop a love of learning and language.  They are inspired to do more and do better each and every time.  

Ignited Literacy shifts my focus from simply covering expectations to really teaching my students.  It helps me to help them grow as readers and writers.  Units are good for teachers as we systematically check off our expectations, but we teach students and their needs as learners need to be first.  


Ignited Math is organized by grade level.  The content of a single grade unit is meant to cover the curriculum of the grade level indicated. 

  • All learning activities within this grade level are based on skills being taught within the grade assigned.  
  • It is assumed that skills taught in previous grades are known and can be built upon.  For example grade 6 students focus on division of decimals.  It is assumed that they have been taught their basic multiplication facts and division strategies from the grade 4 and 5 curriculum levels. 

In each week, the guided math portion has four different leveled activities to support teachers in reteaching, reviewing, supporting and extending learning for students.  While this support is provided it is important to note that it will NOT be sufficient to cover students working two grade levels behind. 

So how will you support your students working below grade level? 

When building this program we intentionally build each grade level week together.  This allows each grade level of  Ignited Math to work together and support each other.  

We suggest that you use the grade level program that reflects the grade level needs of your students.  

For this reason, we offer discounts for those that want to purchase a second grade level. 

I was tired of having to pull and piece things together from a variety of sources to make my language lessons fit together.  

So out of this frustration this program was developed.  Each week’s lesson included EVERYTHING you need except the hard copy of the picture book. 

However, many of the picture books that I have chosen are easily found in school libraries, teacher’s own collections (especially if you hoard picture books like I do), or within public library collections.  

However, if you cannot find the hard copy of the book, alternative options and links are provided for you.  Book links can be found on YouTube, TumbleBooks, or EPIC books.  In some cases I have provided additional read aloud texts that can be used as an alternative.  

This program includes:

  • Read aloud guide
  • Writing lessons
  • Reading lessons
  • Shared reading text and activity
  • Grammar and spelling lessons
  • Mentor text paragraph to teach grammar concepts within context
  • Quote of the week
  • Guided reading lesson
  • Guided reading assessment
  • Guided reading text
  • Student Independent work centers including hand out versions that support notebook or duo-tang use. 
  • Reading response choice board
  • Writing choice board
  • Grammar activity 
  • Spelling practice choice board
  • Detailed assessment tracking pages

This is a junior literacy program.  

First and foremost it follows the curriculum expectations.  It currently aligns with the most of the expectations from Ontario 2023 and new lessons will be added or revised to reflect some changes in spelling, grammar and cursive writing.  It also matches the current curriculums from other provinces across Canada.  This is our primary objective when creating resources. 

We firmly believe that it is important to teach students about 

  1. Reading comprehension (already included) 
  2. Writing composition (already included) 
  3. Media Literacy
  4. Read a variety of texts from a wide variety of backgrounds (included) 
  5. Critical Literacy (Included) 
  6. Grammar and Vocabulary (included) 
  7. Morphology  (partially included – revisions will be added throughout the school year) 
  8. Cursive Writing (Free Resource Included) 

However, Ignited Literacy is not a early reading program.  It is also not designed to support/supplement students with lagging skills below a grade 3 level.  It is designed to support students in grades 3-6 and presumes these are students who are reading at a grade 3 reading level and beyond. 

Ignited Literacy supports learning skills and strategies that are necessary from this point in the elementary years.  The focus is on word identification, vocabulary, comprehension and fluency.  This means that we spend time every week learning about different grammar structures, spelling patterns, build vocabulary through high quality picture books, linked non fiction texts, and relevant guided reading texts.  All learning is done in context and not in isolation so that students are not just memorizing words but building connections within and between ideas.  

But here is the honest truth.  We are all in this journey together on learning how to more effectively teach students from K-8 about reading.  So the truth is…we can always improve and make things better.  The ‘experts’ have long focused on the K-2 space as an area of much larger focus so while the research is out there for 3-8 it is less talked about and harder to find. But we are on it and doing the work to learn and relearn what is needed to better support our own students, you – the teacher, and your students too through our resources.  

One area we will be striving to work to improve over the next year is redesigning the word work section of Ignited Literacy to make the teaching of concepts more explicit and structured.  This will include a reorganization of ideas, the removal of spelling tests and self selected word lists.  While currently these are included and align to the curriculum we anticipate that this curriculum will change and we want to be ready for that to ensure that all content is up to date and using best practices.  


Madly Learning does not create resources for French speaking classrooms.  We are unable to maintain the resources to our high quality standard in a language we do not speak.  

We do not recommend those teaching in French use any Madly Learning product.  

All teachers, who decided to do this, do so at their own risk.  You understand that doing so involves a tremendous amount of individual work to adapt this to their classroom.  

Each Ignited Literacy package is designed for students within the grade range of each package.  

Grade 3-4

This resources covers the curriculum for grades 3 and 4.  This level is designed for students that are working within the wide range of abilities at grade 3 and grade 4.  The themes and content are appropriate for students at this grade level. This program is best for students that range from a 2.8-4.8 grade reading levels. 

Grade 4-5

This resource covers curriculum expectations for grades 4 and 5.  This level is designed for students that are working within the wide range of abilities of grades 4 and grades 5.  This program is best for students that range from a 3.8-5.8 grade reading levels

Grade 5-6

This resource covers the curriculum expectations for grades 5 and 6.  The themes and content are appropriate for students at this grade level. This program is best for students that range from a 4.8 to 6.8 in grade reading levels. 

All Madly Learning products are digital downloads or accessed through a learning management software.  Unlike books, or other hard goods digital products cannot be returned.  

We only issue refunds on the following conditions. 

  1. You have made a duplicate purchase. 
  2. You have not downloaded the product OR logged in to the learning platform the program is hosted on.  Once  you have logged into the learning management program (For Ignited Math or Ignited Literacy) you have accessed the program and your ability to request a refund is void. 
  3. Ignited Programs are sold as licenses which allows teachers to assign their license to the grade level of their choice after purchase.  You may request a refund if you have not yet assigned your license and your request for refund (via email) is within 30 days of purchase.  
  4. If you own one of our membership programs (Ignited Teachers PLC or Ignited Lessons) you may cancel your membership at any time.  You will lose access to ALL resources (including downloadable resources) within the membership upon cancellation. We recommend that members download required materials prior to cancelling. 

We do not offer refunds when: 

  1. Your job assignment or duties changed.  Madly Learning is not responsible for your personal teaching circumstances or job changes.  This includes: reorganization, end of contract, job change, medical leave, personal financial issues, or your choice not to implement the program. 
  2. You have logged in to the learning platform ( but you have yet to download any of the files.  Your refund request is based on your access to the materials.  Regardless of your action to download the materials or not once you log in and establish you have access to the program NO refund will be granted.  This is non-negotiable.
  3. Your license was purchased more than 30 days ago.  

For those on payments plans (using Paybright)

  1. You have used a third party service (Paybright) to pay for your access to our Ignited Programs.  Your agreement and payment terms are with them and not with Madly Learning.  Paybright is financing your payment.  This means that you have loaned money from Paybright to gain full access to an Ignited Program.  Paybright pays Madly Learning your license fee and you agree  to pay Paybright back.  This is just like financing a payment for a couch from a furniture store.  Madly Learning is unable to issue refunds, or manage payments made through Paybright.  Each customer using this service will need to contact Paybright directly.  


All Madly Learning products are for a single teacher/single classroom use.  

This means that each teacher will need their own license.  

Please see the following conditions to better understand how licenses work.  

  • Two full time teachers with their own classrooms  = two licenses
  • Two part time teachers sharing the FTE of a single classroom = one license
  • One full time teacher (1.0 FTE) teaching in multiple classrooms (prep coverage) = one license
  • Grade or Division team all using the resource for multiple classrooms – needs one license per full time classroom position. In this case you should consider a school purchase order. 


Once your payment is complete you will have lifetime access to the core program including all future revisions.

Your access to the core program does not include any additional bonuses or extension packs that we’re not included in your original purchase and may be offered in the future.

In addition your purchase of the core program does not grant you access to monthly coaching or professional development support beyond technical support questions or the getting started materials provided within the course.  

If you require additional support beyond the materials provided we recommend that you participate in the paid professional develop coaching provided by Patti the founder and CEO of Madly Learning.  



No problem.  

To determine which package is right for you please consider the following considerations

  1. Grade of Your Students  each Ignited Literacy resource is designed to cover the grade level expectations outlined.  
  2. Assess Student Ability – Where are your students skill wise.  While we do not recommend teachers select a package for their class that is not aligned with their students grades it is important to consider ability.  So for example if you are teaching grade 5 but know that your students are low we do not recommend getting the 3/4 package.  This lower package will not meet the grade 5 expectations and will modify your program below grade level. Instead if you are teaching a grade 5 and your students are lower in ability we recommend getting the 4/5 instead of the 5/6
  3. Grade 4 and Grade 5 – both of these grades are covered in two different grade level packages.  So sometimes it is hard to choose which grade level package to select.  Consider the ability level of your students.  (see #2)
  4. I teach grade 2 – this program is not designed to meet the needs of students working at a grade 2 level or below.  Students who are still learning the fundamentals of reading need different supports and interventions that are not included in this program.  

Are You Finally Ready to Have a Literacy Program That Works?

Ignited Literacy Full Payment

Make a One Time Payment
$ 475 Buy In Full and Save
  • 40 weeks of Lessons and Activities
  • 40 Weeks of Guided Reading Lessons to build comprehension
  • 40 Weeks of Student Independent Task Centers
  • 40 Weeks of Digital Ready Interactive Unit Pages
  • 40 Weeks of Assessment Checklists and Guides
Best Deal

Ignited Literacy Full Payment

Make a One Time Payment
$ 87
6 Equal Payments
  • 40 weeks of Lessons and Activities
  • 40 Weeks of Guided Reading Lessons to build comprehension
  • 40 Weeks of Student Independent Task Centers
  • 40 Weeks of Digital Ready Interactive Unit Pages
  • 40 Weeks of Assessment Checklists and Guides

Purchasing Terms: Each purchase grants the buy one non-transferrable licence to a single grade package of Ignited Literacy. 

Teachers will choose the grade level package they want to assign to their Ignited Literacy immediately after purchase.  Alternatively teachers can choose to wait and assign their grade level package at a date in the future.  

Once the license is assigned it may not be transferred or switched to another grade level package. Access to program materials are only granted once grade level is confirmed.