Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the complexities of teaching math, trying to meet all the needs in the room? As teachers in grades 3-6 classrooms, we face the daunting task of ensuring every student grasps essential mathematical concepts while juggling various challenges. It can sometimes feel like an uphill battle, from managing split grades and differentiating instruction to finding comprehensive resources that align with the Ontario Math Curriculum 2020. But remember, you're not alone in this journey..
Imagine trying to build a sturdy bridge without the right tools or blueprints – that's often how it feels when we're left searching for effective math resources. The frustration of piecing together disjointed materials or spending countless hours planning lessons can leave us feeling drained and unfulfilled. I’ve been there too, sifting through endless websites and textbooks, hoping to find something that clicks. It’s time-consuming and exhausting, taking away precious moments that could be spent engaging with our students or even enjoying personal downtime..
What if Teaching Math in your Ontario Grade 3-6 Classroom was easy…
If you had
Imagine walking into your classroom each morning, feeling confident and excited about the math lesson ahead. Picture your students eagerly awaiting to dive into their math activities, their faces lighting up with understanding and curiosity. This isn’t just a dream—it’s the reality you can create with a strong math program in place.
When you build stronger math students, you’re not just teaching them numbers; you’re equipping them with critical thinking skills that will serve them for life. Think about the joy of seeing your students tackle complex problems with ease, collaborating with their peers, and celebrating their aha moments. With a comprehensive and structured program like Ignited Math, you’ll have all the resources you need at your fingertips. No more scrambling for materials or second-guessing your lesson plans. Instead, you’ll spend more time doing what you love—teaching and inspiring.
Managing split grades can feel like juggling flaming torches while riding a unicycle, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Imagine having a clear roadmap that guides you through each week, ensuring every student is engaged and challenged at their level. With Ignited Math’s spiralled approach, concepts are revisited and reinforced throughout the year, making it easier for you to manage diverse learning needs without feeling overwhelmed. Your classroom will transform into a dynamic learning environment where every student thrives.
In this new reality, you’ll find yourself with more energy and enthusiasm because you’re no longer bogged down by planning stress. You’ll witness your students’ confidence soar as they master new concepts and apply them in creative ways. And most importantly, you’ll rekindle your own passion for teaching math, knowing that you’re making a profound difference in your students’ lives. So why wait? Let’s ignite the spark of mathematical brilliance together!
Hey, I’m Patti.
Have you ever felt that teaching math can sometimes feel like navigating a maze without a map? I certainly did. When I started Madly Learning in 2012, I aimed to ease this struggle for teachers like you. With over a decade of teaching experience and qualifications under my belt, including a Bachelor of Education and a Reading Specialist qualification, I knew firsthand the challenges of making math accessible and engaging. That’s why I created Ignited Math—a spiralled program designed to simplify your life by providing structured, comprehensive weekly lessons that align perfectly with the Ontario Math Curriculum 2020.
Imagine having a toolkit that covers every aspect of the curriculum and keeps students excited about learning. That’s what Ignited Math aims to do. Think of it as your co-pilot in the classroom, guiding you through each lesson quickly. The idea sprouted from countless conversations with fellow educators tearing their hair out over split grades and resource gaps. So, I thought, why not create something that addresses these pain points head-on? Why not build a program that makes math less intimidating and more inspiring for teachers and students?
Creating Ignited Math has been an incredible journey filled with moments of reflection and inspiration. It’s more than just a product; it’s a lifeline for educators striving to foster stronger math skills in their students. Trust me; seeing those ‘aha’ moments when a student finally grasps a challenging concept is priceless. So here’s to making math simpler, more effective, and—dare I say it—fun! Let’s ignite that spark together.
My students are just too low
Then they need more creative lessons that scaffold and differentiate support so that they can fully access the unmodified curriculum at their identified grade. By providing varied approaches, we ensure every student can engage with the material meaningfully.
What’s wrong with the way I learned it?
When you were in school, there was likely only one way to learn things, with little to no differentiated support. While we want students to eventually find the most efficient way, we also want them to understand conceptually what they are doing. If the focus is just on memorization of procedures and getting the right answer without understanding how they got there or the reasonableness of their results, we risk creating math robots instead of math thinkers.
They just have to memorize it
Yes, memorization is important for some concepts, but memorizing facts without context does not equal understanding. Drill and kill may work for some, but it isn’t helpful for many. If students can recall a multiplication fact but don’t know how to apply it, we are in trouble. It is important not only to move things into their long-term memory but also to create pathways for this memorized knowledge to be used effectively.
I don’t like teaching math; I was a terrible math student
This might make you great at teaching math because you understand how to struggle and will be more open to new ideas and strategies for teaching. Whether you were a good math student or not, you need a program that supports you in both classroom application and building your own knowledge as a teacher.
Keep students focused and motivated, and know what they are doing and why they are doing it. A comprehensive math program keeps students focused and motivated by offering engaging and structured lessons. This approach helps students build a strong understanding of mathematical concepts and keeps their interest alive.
We don't learn math on our own. Good math is collaborative. Students thrive when they have plenty of opportunities to share with and learn from each other. Creating a collaborative learning environment encourages them to discuss ideas, solve problems together, and deepen their understanding through peer interactions.
Not only do students need to think about math but they also need to practice. Students are provided the tools to practice basic skills and build fact fluency each week. Daily practice and repetition are key to developing math fluency. By scaffolding learning, we help students improve their fluency, ensuring they can solve problems confidently and efficiently.
Math is a process that needs to be explored, concepts investigated, and learning uncovered. Our students must learn how to tackle real and complex math problems reflecting real life. A strong math program grounds students in the necessary skills to access and solve these problems, preparing them for practical applications of their math knowledge.
Relying solely on math tests doesn’t give us the full picture of a student’s understanding. By using a variety of assessment tools and collecting a triangulation of data, we provide students with numerous opportunities to demonstrate their learning, ensuring a more comprehensive view of their progress.
From start to finish, everything you need to teach the weekly concepts is included. Ignited Math comes with 30+ lesson plans that will cover your whole year of math teaching. These lesson plans are detailed and descriptive enough that you will know exactly how to teach the daily concepts to your class, regardless of your math background. Beyond the lesson plan we have included all of the whole group activity pages, anchor charts, and whole group practice pages that you will need to support student learning and keep students engaged. These lessons are not just stand-and-talk lessons or lessons that will have you tied to your projector. These lessons are engaging, interactive and meaningful to keep students focused, engaged and learning.
Students need practice, and you need time to meet with small groups to provide targeted instruction. So, math centers are the solution to facilitate it all. But these are not your average math centers. Math centers should be fun while also being meaningful. Our math centers incorporate engaging collaborative practice activities that go beyond busy work. They focus on building independent math skills through weekly tasks that foster Knowledge and Understanding, Communication, Thinking and Application skills.
Each week of Ignited Math, you are provided with a scaffolded lesson for your guided math centers. This opportunity allows you to work with small groups of students each week to provide targeted support to help them learn, re-learn and practice taught concepts. These groups provide the foundation for student learning and allow you to assess, reteach, and support students on their path towards mastery of the math concepts you teach. Each week provides four different scaffolded lessons that support students and help to fill gaps in understanding. Beyond these detailed lessons, there is also support to help you successfully implement guided math in your classroom throughout the Getting Started video series.
Each day, we want students to practice the math skills they are learning. These are perfect for bell work or homework. Using our popular Differentiated Daily Math sheets, we have adapted them for Ignited Math. These daily practice pages are easy to copy at the beginning of each week and allow students to practice the skills they have learned the day before. Start practicing concepts learned in previous grades at the beginning of the week, then move on to daily practice aligned with your teaching lessons. These seamlessly tie into what is being taught, allowing you and your students to see connections in what is being taught.
Get students to think deeply about math and challenge their thinking. All students need an opportunity to apply what they have learned to solving big and complex problems. Our weekly inquiry problem-solving tasks do just that. It is a multi-step problem that allows multiple entry points and strategies to be used to solve it. Students are encouraged to think, plan, and problem-solve solutions to these sometimes open-ended tasks and share their thinking. This is a key learning objective in highly effective math programs, but it is a balanced approach to practice and problem-solving in Ignited Math.
Get students self-assessing and reflecting on what they have learned and practiced each week. Each week in Igntied Math, students will reflect on what they have learned using these math journal templates. These allow students to share what they have learned and reflect on what they still need to work on and practice. These weekly check-ins provide teachers with a portfolio of math learning for support assessment and evaluation.
But I don't know what grade I will be teaching?
We get it, we're teachers too. Job assignments change. So we have designed a fool proof way for you to BUY IGNITED MATH NOW then if you need to you can PICK YOUR GRADE LATER once your assignment is confirmed.
Here is how it works...when you say YES to Ignited Math you are buying one licence to access Ignited Math. After your purchase you will be given the option to CHOOSE YOUR GRADE LEVEL PACKAGE NOW or your can CHOOSE IT LATER.
I’ve enjoyed my time in the pop up group. Most of my questions were answered and everything was positive and supportive. I’m looking forward to Ignited Math because my position is the English part of French immersion and I felt way too rushed and didn’t plan well and didn’t cover A LOT of the curriculum and spent way too much time on certain topics. I’m looking forward to the hands on structure and lessons as well as time to interact with my students as I felt I didn’t see them in action when working.
IM is worth every penny. It covered every single expectation in the 2020 curriculum. My students knew the routine of our warmups and centres which helped with behaviour management and Occasional teacher dayplans. The lessons were interesting, engaging and the students loved their centre time every day. The students also loved showing off their learning in the math projects for each unit and the parents enjoyed the regular feedback of the math projects and assessments. I would 100% recommend using this program
I purchased the full programs for my class, and they have been absolutely fantastic so far! I love how easy it is to differentiate for students and teach split classes with two of the programs.
(Math) was difficult to teach. I was always pulling from a variety of sources and resources to teach what I need to for my split grades. I decided to try Ignited Math because I needed something that was more interactive, and had a variety of activities that wasn’t just worksheets. Ignited Math has so much to it! There are teacher directed lessons, centres and small group ideas- which is great… There is just SO much included!
Ignited Math is based on the Ontario Math Curriculum 2020. Teaching strategies and best practices used are those outlined within the curriculum and the Ontario guides to effective instruction. While many other provinces may have similar curriculum standards/expectations we have not yet done a correlation between provinces or with US based common core or state standards. Teachers outside of Ontario should review their curriculum to check for correlation.
For Reference:
Ignited Math is a spiralled math program.
This means each unit contains lessons and activities from multiple strands.
Each unit is organized into 5 weeks. Generally one expectation or group of expectations from within the same strand is covered within each week. This does allow teachers to rearrange the learning to fit their own classroom needs. There is no obligation to follow the scope and sequence we have outlines however we do recommend that you do.
Across the whole program we have included 30 weeks of learning. This is less than a typical school year. This is intentional and give teachers some flexibility to spend more time on concepts your students need support with.
What about the Scope and Sequence from your school Board or the Province?
This is a complicated question. There are multiple scope and sequence plans provided by the Ministry of Ontario. The first is organized by topic/Big Idea and the second is organized by strand. These were consulted with and influenced the scope and sequence of Ignited Math. However we also used our professional judgement and years of experience to know what skills are best introduced when. As for individual schol boards scopes and sequences. These are individualized and specific to each school board. Since Ignited Math is designed for all teachers in Ontario in grades 3-6 the needs of individual school boards, principals or grade teams has not influenced our plans.
If you have individual or specific requirements you are encouraged to mix up the weeks and arrange them in a way that meets your individual requirements.
Ignited Math is organized by grade level. The content of a single grade unit is meant to cover the curriculum of the grade level indicated.
In each week, the guided math portion has four different leveled activities to support teachers in reteaching, reviewing, supporting and extending learning for students. While this support is provided it is important to note that it will NOT be sufficient to cover students working two grade levels behind.
So how will you support your students working below grade level?
When building this program we intentionally build each grade level week together. This allows each grade level of Ignited Math to work together and support each other.
We suggest that you use the grade level program that reflects the grade level needs of your students.
For this reason, we offer discounts for those that want to purchase a second grade level.
Ignited Math is designed for students working at a grade 3-6 level.
We do not recommend that teachers use this program outside of this grade range.
If a teacher chooses to use Ignited Math for students working beyond or below the grade levels it is designed for. Teachers using this for grades it wasn’t intended for, do so knowing that their use requires a significant amount of work to adapt the program to fit their needs. This is a choice these teachers make individually and Madly Learning does not offer refunds for digital products once the product is downloaded or the resource is accessed on the learning platform (regardless of download status)
Madly Learning does not create resources for French speaking classrooms. We are unable to maintain the resources to our high quality standard in a language we do not speak.
We do not recommend those teaching in French use any Madly Learning product.
All teachers, who decided to do this, do so at their own risk. You understand that doing so involves a tremendous amount of individual work to adapt this to their classroom.
For teachers that are teaching two grades in one room we suggest buying your first package at full price and your second package at a discount.
All four levels were build together so that the learning in one grade level matches the learning from another grade level.
All Madly Learning products are digital downloads or accessed through a learning management software. Unlike books, or other hard goods digital products cannot be returned.
We only issue refunds on the following conditions.
We do not offer refunds when:
For those on payments plans you have the ability to cancel future payments. However, your purchase of this program was based on a promise to pay the full amount to acces the full program. If you cancel your payment all access to the program, including materials you have already been granted will be revoked due to a default of payment. Before cancelling you are encouraged to download all materials you have access to. You will not be refunded previous payments in the event you default on your payment plan.
All Madly Learning products are for a single teacher/single classroom use.
This means that each teacher will need their own license.
Please see the following conditions to better understand how licenses work.
Once your payment is complete you will have lifetime access to the core program including all future revisions.
Your access to the core program does not include any additional bonuses or extension packs that we’re not included in your original purchase and may be offered in the future.
In addition your purchase of the core program does not grant you access to monthly coaching or professional development support beyond technical support questions or the getting started materials provided within the course.
If you require additional support beyond the materials provided we recommend that you participate in the paid professional develop coaching provided by Patti the founder and CEO of Madly Learning.
We know that there are so many classrooms in Ontario that have multiple grades within the classroom.
Even though we sell each package as a single grade package that doesn’t mean that we have forgotten about our split grade teacher friends.
Ignited Math was built together. This means that each grade level package from grades 3-6 all follows the same learning pathway the entire year long. This means that those teaching a split grade could seamlessly us the content of two single grade packages together. Many of the activities
The only difference is that you would combine the lessons to teach the contents together. Allowing you to choose the lesson from grade A or grade B.
Having Trouble with the Checkout, Have a Question, or Need Support? Email Us at In**@ma***********.com
Purchasing Terms: Each purchase grants the buy one non-transferrable licence to a single grade package of Ignited Math.
Teachers will choose the grade level package they want to assign to their Ignited Math immediately after purchase. Alternatively teachers can choose to wait and assign their grade level package at a date in the future.
Once the license is assigned it may not be transferred or switched to another grade level package. Access to program materials are only granted once grade level is confirmed.