Ignited Math

 Equipping Canadian elementary teachers with the tools for math mastery and student success

What if Teaching Math in your Canadian Grade 3-6 Classroom was easy…

You could fit everything together

Everything you needed was in one place

Lessons were easily differentiated

Activities were interesting and engaging

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If you had the time, the resources and the roadmap you could finally focus more on building stronger math students and NOT just on gathering stuff for your next lesson. 

Focus on Learning Goals
Keep students focused, motivated and knowing what they are doing and why they are doing it.
Focus on Inquiry
Math is a process that needs to be explored. Concepts investigated and learning uncovered. Ignited Math uses questioning techniques and student discovery to lead the learning of key tasks each week.
Building Math Fluency
Not only do students need to think about math but they also need to practice. Students are provided the tools to practice basic skills and build fact fluency each week.
Collaborative Learning
We don't learn math on our own. Good math is collaborative. Students are given plenty of opportunities to talk, share and collaborate their thinking, their processes and conclusions throughout every aspect of this program.
Multiple Assessment Opportunities
Math is assessed in many ways and testing is not the only option. Throughout each week of Ignited Math. Daily math check-ins, students observations of processes during guided math and reflective math journals provide a comprehensive assessment tool kit for teachers.
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The 4 Beliefs holding you back from creating an Amazing MATH program.

Some kids are just not good at math

The truth is: every child has the ability to succeed in math.  However, the path to success may look different.  The key to a strong math program is for teachers to be flexible and adaptable.  This means they should teach multiple strategies and give a balance of practice and problem solving. 

New Math is Bad

The Truth is: New Math isn’t new.  The strategies we teach today are not new concepts.  The only thing new is that we actually teach them explicitly.  We now teach the once elite secret strategies that those who just ‘get math’ have always just done in their head.  New math simply gives it a name and writes is down on paper.  These strategies serve as a bridge between what is known and what is efficient. 

Repetition and Memorization are the keys to success in math

The truth is: For too long we have prioritized the wrong skills in our math classrooms.  Speed and memorization have long been the indicators of success.  But doing math quickly does not make you smarter or better at math it just makes you faster.  A student who thinks slowly and deeply may in fact have a much deeper understanding of how math works. 

To be a good math teacher you should have been a good math student. 

The truth is: It may help if you yourself were a good math student.  However, if you were not a good math students you have your own special super power…you know what it means to struggle with learning math.  This can give you an advantage because you understand and empathize with the struggling student.  Helping students figure things our, solve problems and master concepts 

What if you could...

  • Cover all of your required math curriculum
  • Fit it all in throughout the year
  • Keep your students engaged
  • Strike the right balance between practice and inquiry


Inside Every Week of Ignited Math

Detailed Lesson Plans and Activities

From start to finish everything you need to teach the weekly concepts is included. From suggested anchor charts, assessment activities, games and printable manipulatives.

Engaging Math Centers

Build independent math skills through a variety of weekly tasks that foster Knowledge and Understanding, Communication, Thinking and Application skills. 

Differentiated Guided Math Lessons

Build independent math skills through a variety of weekly tasks that foster Knowledge and Understanding, Communication, Thinking and Application skills. 

Daily Warm Ups

Build independent math skills through a variety of weekly tasks that foster Knowledge and Understanding, Communication, Thinking and Application skills. 

Weekly Inquiry Challenge

Get students thinking deeply about math and challenging their thinking. Have students inquire about how to solve math problems to stretch their thinking.

Weekly Reflective Journal

Get students self assessing and reflecting on what they have learned and practiced each week. These weekly check ins provide teachers with a portfolio of math learning for support assessment and evaluation.

If you’re saying . . .

Yes! I need this for my classroom Now.

Then It's Time To Join Ignited Math

Tremendous Value

When you spend your hard earned dollars you want to know that every part of what you buy can be used in your classroom. You don't want to buy just any math resource and try to make it work. You need a resource that works

Hours Of Time Saved

Your time is valuable, so why are you wasting hours and hours scanning through pinterest for ideas for you next math lesson. Imagine how much time you would have to get all the other parts of teaching done if you didn't have to figure out what your next lesson was going to be.

Everything Ready

You have spent too much of your prep time remaking things from scratch, or trying to piece together programs that only give you part of the puzzle. You need a comprehensive program that has you covered from start to finish every day.

But Wait... When You Enroll Now
You Get these Amazing Bonuses

Ignited Math Accelerator: Fast Track Your Teaching Success

Get Started On the Right Foot From Day One
An essential step-by-step guide designed to help teachers effortlessly embark on their journey with Ignited Math. This comprehensive course equips educators with the knowledge, strategies, and resources needed to successfully implement Ignited Math in their classrooms and unlock the full potential of their students. In this course, you will learn how to navigate the Ignited Math platform, explore its rich array of interactive tools and resources, and discover effective techniques for engaging students in math learning. We'll walk you through the process of setting up your classroom, structuring lessons, and integrating Ignited Math seamlessly into your existing curriculum.

Math Tests and Projects

Spiralled Assessment Made Easy
When you buy the bundle today you get exclusive access to these math projects.
Add an additional assessment task at the end of each unit. These Bonus Math Projects align with each Ignited Math unit. Easily implement a unique and fun math project that will have students applying their math skills at the end of every unit in a fun and engaging hands on learning project.

Choose the Payment that Works for You

Buy your a license to Ignited Math today and lock in your grade level when your teaching assignment is confirmed. 

Pay Over Time

6 Equal Payments Over Six Months

Regular Price: $88


(plus tax)

Pay In Full

One Easy Payment

Regular Price: $475


(plus tax)

Each purchase gives you one license to ONE grade level of Ignited Math. 

Hey I'm Patti

I’ve always wanted a math program that met the needs of my students while also being based on high yield strategies that were differentiated and research based.  

I needed something that worked for the variety of students in my classroom and fit with my own teaching style that used inquiry based teaching pedagogies and engaged even to most neediest and reluctant students (because I had many of both) 

Ignited Math was born.  Inspired by my popular Ignited Literacy program.  We wanted to provide teachers with the same high quality program teachers were used to and have come to expect from Madly Learning.  

I can’t wait to work with you as you join the growing number of teachers that have transformed their math program with Ignited Math. 

But I don't know what grade I will be teaching?

Buy Now...Pick Your Grade Later

We get it, we're teachers too. Job assignments change. So we have designed a fool proof way for you to BUY IGNITED MATH NOW then if you need to you can PICK YOUR GRADE LATER once your assignment is confirmed.

Here is how it works...when you say YES to Ignited Literacy you are buying one licence to access Ignited Math. After your purchase you will be given the option to CHOOSE YOUR GRADE LEVEL PACKAGE NOW or your can CHOOSE IT LATER.

But How is
Ignited Math

Designed For The Ontario Curriculum

So many of the resources out there for math are great but they are not designed for the needs of Ontario Classrooms.  Canadian teachers have vastly different needs than our American counterparts.  From the use of a space between place value, the metric system or when we teach about fractions, Ignited Math is uniquely Canadian.  

Everything You Need From Start to Finish in Your Math Classroom

Does your lesson planning consist of you pulling everything you need from 3-4 different sources and trying to fit it together? Your time could be much better spent assessing student work, tailoring what you have to meet the unique needs of your students or simply staring out the window enjoying the silence of your empty classroom.  Ignited Literacy is designed to give you everything you need from start to finish including:  

  • Warm Ups
  • Lesson Plans
  • Student Centers
  • Guided Math
  • Inquiry Math Prompt
  • Reflection Journal
  • Assessment Notes

TPA Quality Teaching Everyday

We’ve all done it.  You need something for your students to practice a skill or concept that you teach.  So instead of making it yourself (because who has time for that) you quickly pull up those free worksheet websites and quickly print off what you need. It’s what we need in the moment but it certainly wouldn’t be something we bragged about or showed off during our TPA.  In fact we’d probably do our best to hide that we do that.  

What if every day you taught with the same quaility instruction that you would on the day of your TPA without the stress and prep required.  This is what Ignited Math is all about.  High quality math instruction, ready right out of the box, without you needing to do it yourself.  

Think of how much better of a teacher you would be if your had the high quality lessons your really want without needing to do it yourself. 

Planned and Created by a Team of Expert Teachers

The best person to create a resources for your classroom after you, is a team of experienced teachers who have been in your shoes and know what it means to teach math to kids just like yours.  

Ignited Math was created by a team of expert teachers lead by our founder and expereinced teacher Patti Firth.  Under her leadership, and crazy “wouldn’t it be great if …” attitude.  Ignited Math was born.  

A program that is designed to solve 

You Might Be Asking

Is Ignited Math Right For Me?

You want ROCKSTAR level teaching without the time it takes to make it all yourself.

You crave a simple system to keep your math block better organized.

You want to balanced approach that provides time to practice and promotes higher order math thinking.

Don’t let another year go by before you create the MATH program you want!


Ignited Math is a spiraled appoach to teaching nathematics in the classroom.  It guides you through the gradual release of responsibility model to structure your MATH program in a systematic way. It hits a variety of expectations each week and revisits them throughout the year.  

Because choice for students is a key component to this program their engagement in language arts is unmatched.  In my 13 years of teaching no other program has produced better results and more engaged learners than this format.  

There isn’t a magic formula here, it is just based on effective instructional practices and experience of knowing how kids tick.  

But the key lies in how this program simplifies how to structures how you teach MATH to your students.   It starts by looking at the themes and big ideas and connects the ideas across learning strands to deliver this all together in a way that makes sense.  

Buy With Confidence

Over the last 10 years, Madly Learning has been working with and supporting Canadian teachers to fulfill our mission that great teaching doesn’t need to be hard!  Our goals drive everything we do! 

Our Goals: 

1) Create High Quality Resources For Rockstar Teachers

2) Help Teachers Fit It All Together To Make Teaching Simpler 

3) To Engage All Students Through Differentiation and Inquiry

We know how hard teaching is, but don’t want to sacrifice quality teaching with simple worksheets just to check off the curriculum.  We want to have fun teaching!  

When you purchase a Madly Learning resource you can shop with confidence that everything we produce is created by a professional team of teachers, editors, and content reviewers.  Our products are always current and each product is regularly reviewed and updated to ensure it meets our high quality standard. This is why we create products that are sold as digital downloads. However unlike physical products a digital product cannot be returned.  Once the product is accessed (downloaded or logged in for access) we do not issue refunds.  For more information please review our refund policy here. 

Let's Answer Your Question

Ignited Math is based on the Ontario Math Curriculum 2020. Teaching strategies and best practices used are those outlined within the curriculum and the Ontario guides to effective instruction. While many other provinces may have similar curriculum standards/expectations we have not yet done a correlation between provinces or with US based common core or state standards. Teachers outside of Ontario should review their curriculum to check for correlation. 

For Reference: 

  • All Canadian English Spelling and Number Formatting are used
  • Metric Measurement is used
  • Canadian money is used. 

Ignited Math is a spiralled math program. 

This means each unit contains lessons and activities from multiple strands.  

Each unit is organized into 5 weeks.  Generally one expectation or group of expectations from within the same strand is covered within each week.  This does allow teachers to rearrange the learning to fit their own classroom needs.  There is no obligation to follow the scope and sequence we have outlines however we do recommend that you do. 

Across the whole program we have included 30 weeks of learning.  This is less than a typical school year.  This is intentional and give teachers some flexibility to spend more time on concepts your students need support with. 

What about the Scope and Sequence from your school Board or the Province? 

This is a complicated question.  There are multiple scope and sequence plans provided by the Ministry of Ontario.  The first is organized by topic/Big Idea and the second is organized by strand.  These were consulted with and influenced the scope and sequence of Ignited Math.  However we also used our professional judgement and years of experience to know what skills are best introduced when.  As for individual schol boards scopes and sequences.  These are individualized and specific to each school board.  Since Ignited Math is designed for all teachers in Ontario in grades 3-6 the needs of individual school boards, principals or grade teams has not influenced our plans. 

If you have individual or specific requirements you are encouraged to mix up the weeks and arrange them in a way that meets your individual requirements.  


Ignited Math is organized by grade level.  The content of a single grade unit is meant to cover the curriculum of the grade level indicated. 

  • All learning activities within this grade level are based on skills being taught within the grade assigned.  
  • It is assumed that skills taught in previous grades are known and can be built upon.  For example grade 6 students focus on division of decimals.  It is assumed that they have been taught their basic multiplication facts and division strategies from the grade 4 and 5 curriculum levels. 

In each week, the guided math portion has four different leveled activities to support teachers in reteaching, reviewing, supporting and extending learning for students.  While this support is provided it is important to note that it will NOT be sufficient to cover students working two grade levels behind. 

So how will you support your students working below grade level? 

When building this program we intentionally build each grade level week together.  This allows each grade level of  Ignited Math to work together and support each other.  

We suggest that you use the grade level program that reflects the grade level needs of your students.  

For this reason, we offer discounts for those that want to purchase a second grade level. 

Ignited Math is designed for students working at a grade 3-6 level.  

We do not recommend that teachers use this program outside of this grade range.  

If a teacher chooses to use Ignited Math for students working beyond or below the grade levels it is designed for.  Teachers using this for grades it wasn’t intended for,  do so knowing that their use requires a significant amount of work to adapt the program to fit their needs.  This is a choice these teachers make individually and Madly Learning does not offer refunds for digital products once the product is downloaded or the resource is accessed on the learning platform (regardless of download status) 


Madly Learning does not create resources for French speaking classrooms.  We are unable to maintain the resources to our high quality standard in a language we do not speak.  

We do not recommend those teaching in French use any Madly Learning product.  

All teachers, who decided to do this, do so at their own risk.  You understand that doing so involves a tremendous amount of individual work to adapt this to their classroom.  

For teachers that are teaching two grades in one room we suggest buying your first package at full price and your second package at a discount.  

All four levels were build together so that the learning in one grade level matches the learning from another grade level.  

All Madly Learning products are digital downloads or accessed through a learning management software.  Unlike books, or other hard goods digital products cannot be returned.  

We only issue refunds on the following conditions. 

  1. You have made a duplicate purchase. 
  2. You have not downloaded the product OR logged in to the learning platform the program is hosted on.  Once  you have logged into the learning management program (For Ignited Math or Ignited Literacy) you have accessed the program and your ability to request a refund is void. 

We do not offer refunds when: 

  1. Your job assignment or duties changed.  Madly Learning is not responsible for your personal teaching circumstances or job changes.  This includes: reorganization, end of contract, job change, medical leave, personal financial issues, or your choice not to implement the program. 
  2. You have logged in to the learning platform (Ignited Literacy or Ignited Math) but you have yet to download any of the files.  Your refund request is based on your access to the materials.  Regardless of your action to download the materials or not once you log in and establish you have access to the program NO refund will be granted.  This is non-negotiable.

For those on payments plans you have the ability to cancel future payments.  However, your purchase of this program was based on a promise to pay the full amount to acces the full program.  If you cancel your payment all access to the program, including materials you have already been granted will be revoked due to a default of payment.  Before cancelling you are encouraged to download all materials you have access to.  You will not be refunded previous payments in the event you default on your payment plan.  


All Madly Learning products are for a single teacher/single classroom use.  

This means that each teacher will need their own license.  

Please see the following conditions to better understand how licenses work.  

  • Two full time teachers with their own classrooms  = two licenses
  • Two part time teachers sharing the FTE of a single classroom = one license
  • One full time teacher (1.0 FTE) teaching in multiple classrooms (prep coverage) = one license
  • Grade or Division team all using the resource for multiple classrooms – needs one license per full time classroom position. In this case you should consider a school purchase order. 


Once your payment is complete you will have lifetime access to the core program including all future revisions.

Your access to the core program does not include any additional bonuses or extension packs that we’re not included in your original purchase and may be offered in the future.

In addition your purchase of the core program does not grant you access to monthly coaching or professional development support beyond technical support questions or the getting started materials provided within the course.  

If you require additional support beyond the materials provided we recommend that you participate in the paid professional develop coaching provided by Patti the founder and CEO of Madly Learning.  



We know that there are so many classrooms in Ontario that have multiple grades within the classroom.  

Even though we sell each package as a single grade package that doesn’t mean that we have forgotten about our split grade teacher friends.  

Ignited Math was built together.  This means that each grade level package from grades 3-6 all follows the same learning pathway the entire year long.  This means that those teaching a split grade could seamlessly  us the content of two single grade packages together.  Many of the activities  

The only difference is that you would combine the lessons to teach the contents together.  Allowing you to choose the lesson from grade A or grade B.  


Are You Finally Ready to Have a Math Program That Works?

Choose the Payment that Works for You

Pay Over Time

6 Equal Payments Over Six Months

Regular Price: $88


(plus tax)

Pay In Full

One Easy Payment

Regular Price: $475


(plus tax)

Purchasing Terms: Each purchase grants the buy one non-transferrable licence to a single grade package of Ignited Math.  Teachers will choose the grade level package they want to assign to their Ignited Math after purchase Once the license is assigned it may not be transferred or switched to another grade level package.